5 Easy detox drink recipe for weight lose

5 Easy detox drink recipes,2019

Photo by Naveed Ahmed on UnsplashPhoto by Naveed Ahmed on Unsplash
First of all '" Happy Independence day" to all of you .Proud to be an Indian ."Jai hind" .
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

Hello lovelies , 5 easy detox drink recipes for weight lose 2019 women who concern about their weight or who are losing weight or fitness freak ,they all know "What is detox drink".People use detox drink for weight lose from long time.Here is great reason behind it that is it tastes delicious .It fills your stomach ,so you do not feel hungry.

Detox drink is must for those who are struggling for weight lose.You should include in your diet ,if you are thinking about to workout for weight lose .This is not just for your weight lose even it gives you glowing skin without use of expensive products.I have my experience .I do workout weather in home or gym .I take detox drink  in daily basis .SO Let's discuss what is detox drink ?

What is detox drink?

Detox drink or you can say infuse water can generally be combination of fruits ,vegetables and herbs .It has 90% of water which is important for our body .Basically ,detox water made up by water and slices of fruits and vegetables .If i am talking about my experience ,so i think detox water is just a normal water you just add some slices of fruits and vegetable .It change taste of water so you can enjoy drinking water .Many researcher said that you should take 3 to 4 liter water everyday .It is not necessary that you have to drink normal water .You can add healthy ingredients in it .Scientist said that "more water make the body job of flushing toxins easier .water does help to keep your kidney and liver healthy .It is a crucial ingredient to keep the system working.So now you know about detox drink .Let,s understand How it works in case of weight lose as well glowing skin .

Benefits of detox drink or infused water

* Infused water has no calorie .
* It improves metabolism.
* It helps to improve digestive system .
* It help to flush out toxins from your body .
* It improves your skin texture and keeps your skin glowing . 
* It helps to lose your weight .

Owing my weight lose journey ,i never forgot to drink detox water which helped me most .Still i am losing my weight and i consume detox water everyday .If you do not want to drink normal water so add some healthy flavors in your drink .It keeps you hydrate because it is water  and helps to flush out your toxins from your body .I will also mention my detox recipes. 

5 detox drink recipes for weight lose.

1 Lemon , honey and hot water.

Photo by Milo McDowell on Unsplash

  It is personally my favorite drink .that i have in morning with empty stomach. I feel refresh after having it.When i was suffering from heavy weight then first thing i did this . It is so delicious and it does miracle in your body . Lemon has its own benefits and honey has its own benefits .When these two ingredients mix with each other then it does fabulous job.Let's understand benefits of this detox drink.

* It promotes weight lose .

* It gives you glowing skin and clear up your acne .It protect you from harmful radicals that lead to constipation.

* It flush out toxins from your body.

* It works as liver tonic that aids in improving its function .

* It boosts your energy.Honey has bectria killing properties .Add honey in your diet is much healthier than sugar .

How to make it ?


* 1 glass of water
* 1 teaspoon of honey 
* 1 squeezed juice of lemon 


*Boil a glass of water till it reaches lukewarm temperature.
*Add lemon juice and honey in it .
*Drink it in the morning with empty stomach.         

2 cumin ( Zeera) water .

Most people follow this detox drink for weight lose .It is most healthier drink you ever know.It is easy to make and you do not need many ingredients for this .But before we discuss how to make it ,firstly we should understand benefits of cumin water .

Benefits of cumin water .

* Cumin rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidants .
* It improves your digestive system .
* Cumin water treats diabetes because it reduce your sugar level.
* Cumin content high amount of iron that helps in treating anemia.
* Cumin water is good for your skin .It contains high amount of potassium,calcium,selenium,copper that help in rejuvenating skin

These are some benefits of cumin seeds .Now i am going to tell you how to make cumin water 

How to make cumin detox water?


* A glass of water.
* 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds .


Boil one  glass of water When it gets boil then add one teaspoon cumin seed in it .You either allow it to cool or drink it as it is .It is totally depend on you .Drink it early in the morning .If you do not like lemon honey detox water .In that case you can try this detox drink early in the morning with an empty stomach .

3 Cucumber lemon water .
Add captionPhoto by Yomex Owo on Unsplash

Cucumber lemon detox water is one of the very effective method to hydrate your body .Cucumber is a fruit that has a good taste ,so you can easily drink it .How can cucumber benefits us ? .Let's understand .

Benefits of cucumber:

* Cucumber are made up 96% of water and it is low in calorie.
* Cucumber has antioxidants,tannin that prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals and may reduce the risk of chronic disease.
* It stable your body temperature because cucumbers are composed of 96% water ,so it helps you meet your daily fluid needs .
* It is low in calorie therefor it promotes weight lose .
* Cucumber contains fiber that help prevent constipation and increase regularity.

So now you understand how cucumber important for our body .I discussed lemon benefits above .Now i am going to tell you how to make this detox drink?


* 1/4 cucumber thin slices 
* 1/2 lemon 
* Ice
* 8 cups of water
* pitcher jar


* Add cucumbers thin slices and lemon to a pitcher jar .
* Pour in water and mix well .
* cover pitcher jar and leave in refrigerator for 4 to 5 hours .
* Then serve it with or without ice.

This detox water helps to refresh your skin and body .You can drink it with in 3 days .But you have to do in regular basis then it will help you .If you want to add extra ingredients to in it like mint., ginger ,orange slices and etc.If you want to make flavor delicious then you can add whatever you like but you have to make sure that what will you not add artificial flavors.

4 Apple and cinnamon detox water 


Owing my weight lose journey .I loved to drink different types of detox drink .It has many benefits . Firstly you taste different kind of drink .Secondly , every ingredient has its own goodness , minerals and etc ,so when we try various kind of detox drink then we directly take goodness of these ingredients .This is one of most popular detox drink .You heard you many times . why this drink so famous ? .What reason behind it ? . let's discuss .

Benefits of Apple and cinnamon sticks detox drink :

Apple benefits :

You heard this quote " an apple a day keeps doctor away ".Apple has many benefits .As one of the most cultivated and consumed fruit in the world .It is praised as a" miracle food"

* Apples are extremely rich in antioxidants ,and dietary fiber ,
phyto nutrients that help reduce the risk of developing cancer,hypertension,heart diseases.
* It is lowering levels of bad cholesterol.
* Apple contains iron that help .When number of blood cells increase then apple helps to prevent anemia and provide proper oxygenation of essential organ system.
* Apples hing in vitamin C, protein that helps to fight with weakness, boosting immunity and improving muscle tone.
* Apples boost brain health like  improving concentration , problem solving  and memory .

Apple has so many benefits that's why doctor advice to keep it in your diet .Now move on to cinnamon 

Cinnamon benefits:

* Cinnamon contains antioxidants like Polyphenol that protect you from oxidation damage caused by free radicals .
* Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties that helps body from infection and repair tissue.
* Cinnamon helps to reduce risk of heart diseases .
* Cinnamon helps to fight bacterial and fungal infections .

Now you all know benefits of apple and cinnamon .Now we understand how to make it.

Recipe of apple cinnamon detox drink .

Ingredients :

* 3 to 5 apples.
* 6 cinnamon sticks.
* A bottle of water .


* Take water and boil it .
* Cut apples into thin slices .
* Add apples thin slices and cinnamon sticks to your simmering water .
* Simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
* Strain water into glass.
* Leave it in refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours and enjoy your drink .

You should keep it in your diet because it has many benefits . This drink can give you immense effect .After using it with consistency ,you feel better .It will help you in many way , so enjoying your drink with your family too because it is good habit .you should share with your family and friends too .

5 Chia seeds detox drink .
Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/omisido-946215/?

Chia seeds plays vital role for weight lose .I feel excited when i talk about weight lose tricks.I curious to apply new methods that help to weight lose . Chia seeds is trending .You can buy it online or offline .You can add chia seeds in any recipes . Let's understand what is chia seeds? What it does? .

What is chia seeds?
Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/allybally4b-11136103/?utm_

* Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant saliva hispanica that is related to the mint . Chia seeds are well known for their impressive health benefits . Chia seeds are packed with essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acid ,fiber ,antioxidants . 
* Benefits of chia seeds .
* Chia seeds loaded with fiber .One ounce of chia seeds contains 11 g of fiber that helps to improve digestion tract and it it helps to reduce risk of heart .
* Chia seeds contain protein  .One ounce contains about 4 g of protein. Protein vital source of your diet .Protein helps to curb your appetite.
* Chia seeds High in calcium and we all know calcium is vital for our bone health .It is rich in calcium that makes your bone healthy .
* Chia seeds rich in antioxidants that helps to fight free radical that prevent aging,wrinkle,damage skin even cancer.

These are few benefits of chia seeds .Chia seeds work great ,you have to add it in your diet . But too much chia seeds is not good .Adding chia seeds to recipes will dramatically boost their nutritional value . Let's understand how to make this drink?

Ingredients :
* 3 tablespoon chia seeds .
* 1 cup of water.


* Take one cup of water 
* Add 3 tablespoon chia seeds in it .
* Stir the water until it is completely mixed in.
* Keep it in the fridge for whole night .
* Next morning chia seeds will grow in size then drink it.

5 Easy detox drink recipes for weight lose  as well as your skin .I shared with you top 5 best recipes .I have been using since my weight lose journey .These work magically .But drink these detox water does not mean that you do not need to do workout .Nothing matters ,if you do not include physical activities in your routine .You have to struggle little bit to achieve your goals .I just shared with you some drinks that will help to achieve your goals faster .I hope you will find it useful .

* If you want to know how to lose weight ,monsoon hair care routine. Check out these links .  


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