Look confident with easy step..

Look confident with easy steps. 

Hello guys, i m sanaya. I am back with very interesting topic which is "how to look confident with easy step?. So I am here to give you some easy step so you can look confident. First of all I want to say something to you guys that I am not a personality development professor. I am discussing it with my experience, knowledge. I hope  you will read it and will find something good.

How to look confident?. How to be more capable in our personal and professional life? If you have same question as i mentioned so you have to read it carefully.

There are many people who don't have confident but they look confident in public.
So it's doesn't matter that you feel confident from inside as much as it matters from outside.
Comptiton is increasing day by day in this society and confident plays a major role in it. Confident help you to achieve your goal.
This is very important to have confident if you want to make a good impression in professional as well as personal world.

Confident is a skill. You don't get confident from your birth. It is a skill. You can develop it like any other skills. Just you need to practice, focus and pay attention in your weeker side.

What is confident? 
 Confident is a feeling that you can achieve anything that comes your way. It is also depend on your state of mind. It is a sense of certainty. 

Now we are going to discuss some easy tricks to look confident. 

1Make eye contact 

Eye contact is very necessary elements if you want to look confident front of people. It shows that you are active and make a good impression on people. If you break eye contact most of the time while you are talking with someone so it reflects  that you are shy or inattentive. So you have to make eye contect when you talking to someone. Even when you are in crowd  always look up. This reflects what kind of person you are. 

2. Stand up straight

Stand tall or straight is a also part of your confident. You have to be presentable when you going for your business meeting or you meet with new people.your body posture says more about yourself. It describe your awareness about personality. What you have to do so you can look confident front of people? First, Don't slouch. Stand tall or stand up straight. People who slouch often they present them sleves as a low confident and uncertain.
Stand straight is also a part of exercise and it gives  benifit to your body. It makes better your back and breathing.stand up straight is beneficial for those who has short height.how?. When you stand up straight you look tall and you look more attractive. Try this.

3. Smile

Smile is one of the best tool. Warm smile can make you attractive. When you have warm smile on your face people think positive about yourself. And one of the best reason why you should keep warm smile on your face? Because it makes you beautiful naturally. A healthy smile make your self happy and full of confident.it is also indicate your comfort level.

4.speak slow and clear. 

When you are in your meeting or you are going to meet someone. You should speak slow. I spoke very fast, so many people did not understand what i said. This is a very common problem. Most of people do not know how to speak slow? Therefore I m sharing with you my experience..you have to do only one thing that is you have to keep in your mind  that you should speak slow. If you recall this again and again so you automatically improve your speaking habit. This is also called affirmation.. If you speak fast then people think that you have a lack of confident, hence you put yourself down. So always speak slow and clear. 

5.Body language. 

When we talk about confident then we never forget body language. Body language describe your self. Your hands movement, your leg posture, your facial expression,  all include in body language. People can easily judge you if your body language not in a proper manner. If you are not feeling confident from inside but you have a good body language so you can make a good impression on people. All the tips which I mentioned above they all include in body language. So now I will discuss how to make a good posture so you look Confident even if you do not feel.
So yes, here is few things that you should keep in your mind.
Keep your chin up and your eyes forward even when you are walking down the street by your self. Stand up straight.if you follow these tips so you will look confident even when you don't feel.


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