Importance of healthy life style

Healthy life style.

How many people know what is healthy life style?. I am sure most of us know about it. But the question is how many people implement it? How healthy we are? How  healthy our diet?.what is importance of healthy life style?. Lets start with this.

What is healthy life style?

Healthy life style is the main key of happy life. A healthy life style is one which helps  to keep and improve pepole health. This is not a temporary programme. Healthy living is a life long effect. So now we know what is healthy life style.
Now move on to next question why it is important for us?


In this paragraph we know about importance of this lets know.

1. It keeps us healthy from inner and outside. keeps us energetic throughout the day.
3. It gives us more hope, more happiness, more power to achieve our goal. keeps away stress, dipression, anxiety.,anxious etc.

So now next paragraph we are going to understand how we get healthy life style.
So let's move on our next topic.


1. Drink lost of water
As we know our body made  75%of water. We need to keep hydrate through out the day. It keeps us energetic and also it keeps us fresh and give a skin glow. It improves our digestive system.

Meditation relaxe your mind and keep your soul calm. It gives you positive perception. It improve your focus power how ever your profermance also improve.

Workout keeps you fit. Lowering risk of disease. Strong your bones.people who want to loose weight. They should workout everyday. You can choose running, walking, dancing, gyming etc. healthy.
Healthy eating is most important. If you don't have healthy eating habbit so you never get healthy life style. Habbit of eating healthy is important for you skin as well as your body..

It is enough for today... I will come with some other interesting topic which gives you benifit for sure..we have to get healthy life style..if we want to live happy in our life


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