Best and easy way to loose your weight

Best and easy ways to  loss weight or belly fat

Are you frustrated with belly fat?. Are you feel little uncomfortable because of your weight?. We all want to look beautiful but when we gain weight, we believe that we lost our charm. When you put weight, you starting to avoid parties.Do you want to look more beautiful in your favorite dress ? .We all get frustrated when we do not satisfy with our look or physical fitness .How belly fat comes ?. We have a very busy life style now a days .We don"t have time to do exercise and when we find time for us then we do not want to do any workout because we prefer rest rather then any thing .In our busy life some where we forget to maintain a healthy life style which gives us many problem regarding to mentally or physically. We should think about this .We should manage our time.If we do not have a much time then some tricks give us a nice body without taking so much time .  There are many people who want fit .Most of us have a desire to get a healthy life .I mean everyone wants look good .We all love to look attractive .Fitness is very important in our personal life as well as professional life .Who does not want a flat tummy .I am going to mention some exercises that give you a fabulous body .But before i talk about how  we get rid of flat tummy .I am going to tell you why belly fat occur ?. What is main reason behind belly fat?.

Reason of belly fat?

1-  overeatiOvereating  

Most of people do not have control on their food habit. This is also depend on their mind of state .Mind plays a very big role to maintain discipline, so if they do not have idea about food habit then they eat whenever they get food and take more calories then require ,hence it gives you belly fat .What we can do to avoid over eating ?.lets discuss.
Distraction .people overeat because of distraction . now the question is how distraction makes us fat?.
most of people have habit  when they eat they always engage with some other things like they use phone or watching television etc They  do not pay attention on their food hence they eat more then needed .The result is we get belly fat or we become fat .

2- Inactive habit- - Why obesity is increasing day by day?. Because we do not have a healthy life style ,we become lazy ..This is the reason why obesity is also a big problem all over the world. .People life is very busy so they do not get time to do some workout and when they find time they are to lazy to do any thing.Another point is bad eating habit which i discussed above .Third point is 
eating junk food rather then healthy food .These are some points that give us fat or belly fat .

There are more point about why we get belly fat .But i mentioned two main reason .Moving out our next question that is "How to get rid of belly fat?..

How to get rid of belly fat 

Now, i  am  going to talk about how to get rid of belly fat or excess fat?? .There are plethora of sites which already discussed about this. But, i am telling you some effective ways that give you a flexible body in no time .What is no time ? No time means you do not give full attention or you  do not need to sweat it out in gym. You have to focus on theses things which i am going to discuss .

drink hot water with honey and lemo 

 - Drink lemon water along with honey with an empty stomach every morning .This is one of the quickest  method which gives you a perfect belly .
Because lemon is very beneficial  for our body .How???? 

Benefits of lemon 

1- It has a vitamin "C" that is benefit for your body as well as skin .
2- It hydrates your body .
3-It promotes weight loss /belly fat .
4-It cleans your body It"flush out " toxin from your body .
5-It improves your digestion system .

SO, now you all know why lemon is necessary for our body .Now talk about that how honey is helpful for us ?

Benefits of honey 

1- Honey is rich in "antioxidant" which helps to reduce blood pressure. 
2- It helps to prevent kidney stones.
3-Honey with warm water helps to get rid of excess fat from your body

SO, now you know why honey and lemon I are important for us .Both have different kind of properties that is good for our body .Mixer of these two ingredients give us flawless body and flawless skin .This drink works as a detox water .You just have to remember that you have to drink this detox water in morning with an empty stomach .One more thing you have to note that is water should be a warm water .Because warm water is good for weight loss .

2- Green tea .

Green tea is playing a major role in weight loose process .Everybody loves it .Green tea promotes weight loss .You can buy it from online or offline store. What green tea do?

Green tea benefits

1- green tea is rich in antioxidant which good for health and lower your risk of some type of cancer .
2- It boost your metabolic rate .
3- Green tea contains Bio active  compounds that improve you health .
4- It cleans your body and gives you healthy body as well as skin .
5- Green tea has compounds which make your brain active and make you smarter.
6- It improves you physical performance .

There are many more benefits of green tea .Green tea is not just vain your belly fat .It improves your health condition .How much green tea take in a day ? You can have 2 or 3 cup of a day .Either you can have before your meal or after your meal.

3- walk at least 30 minutes in day .

If you do not have time to do any activity or exercises so you can apply this method to loose your body weight .you do not have to spent so much time. you just need 30 minutes . As i mentioned that workout is very important for us but if u do not have time for workout .You have to walk 30 minutes .30 minutes of walk is enough, if u do it in a daily basis .you can do it after your dinner or you can do early morning .If you from those people who do not like to go out from your home in morning so do not bother .You can walk on your terrace or roof .If your work place near to your home then do not prefer any vehicle .just walk .How walking is good for health?? ,lets know

Benefits from walk 

1- It improves your stamina
2- It promotes weight loss and makes you physically active .
3- it digest your meal .
4-It reduced heart disease and stroke.
5- increased  strength ,strong bones and improved balance .

Now , you know benefits from walking .You should make consistency, then you can achieve all these thing which i mentioned above .You should walk at least 30 minutes everyday .

Drink water .

This is main element of your weight lose journey .you should not avoid to drink plenty of water . Our body made from as 60% of water .Water has minerals which gives you benefits.Main thing is that water has no calorie .water also helps to cleanse your body and  hydrate your body .its also improves your skin texture .Your skin can glow with the help of water .How many glass of water we should drink to maintain our health ?
we need to drink 3 liters per day or 8 medium size of glass .
If you want to loose your belly fat .so you need to drink plenty of water .You can drink warm water or cold water . I usually prefer normal water .When you wake up in morning .you should drink one glass of water an empty stomach .If you are from those people who do not remind to drink water ,so set your reminder alarm. Also there are lots of applications in play store who remind you when you drink . You can download .I personally drink 3 liters of water or more .I use bottle instead of glass .I Think this is quite easy to remind .

5- Sleep 

If you are in your weight loss journey so this method you can not skip. sleep is an important process as important breath .If you are trying to loos your weight so ,the right amount of sleep helps you fight with craving and makes you healthy. If you hit the gym regularly and apply all methods which best for weight loose ,still you are not loosing weight .It is happening because of lack of sleep.If you do not get enough sleep then your body produces the hunger causing hormones "leptin and ghrelin , because of this you could be eat more then you needed , hence you end up taking  more calories then required, which is gain your weight .
sleep at least  7 to 8 hours .It relax your body and mind .It makes you stress free . Enough sleep makes you a happy person .

6-Healthy food 

I know ,we all are love fast food or you can simple say junk food. We all know unhealthy food may damage our health ,but how many of us implement it .Healthy food is avoiding excess salt and sugar
from your diet .Healthy food rich in fiber , protein which help to reduce fat . According to research not just workout gives us perfect body .In weight loss process our body need 20% exercise and 80% healthy diet .Mixer of these two give us a perfect body and help to reduce weight loss. We can achieve our dream body with the help of these . Do you know healthy food gives us so many benefits?? . lets discuss

Benefits from healthy food 

1- It rich in fibres , vitamins , which help to reduce weight .
2- It reduce risk of heart diseases ,like heart attack ,stroke.
3- It helps to reduce weight loss .
4- It makes brain more active and improve our mood .
5- Healthy food increase our energy ,so we can do physical activity with the help of healthy food .

SO These are the some tips which helps to get rid of belly fat if you use these steps in your daily life .Always remember "health is wealth" I have a quote for you guys that "Good health is true wealth "


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