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6 Hair care tips in monsoon 2019 Monsoon arrived and we are ready to enjoy it after sun heat . Most people love this weather, because it protects us from heat stroke. This is most romantic season. Many of us loved to dance in rain. This is perfect time to hangout with your loved one.the reason why we love this season?. Because we get relief from sun heat and weather become pleasant . But it gives us lots of hair problem because in this season humidity level increased. It comes with many hair problem like it makes hair fizzy, hair fall, dandruff etc. So , how can we enjoy rain when we struggling with these problem.?. So no more headache.. I am going to discuss some magical tips which give your hair proper protection so you can enjoy rain without hassle. Here are some magical tricks that help you to get rid of hair problems. 1. Use shampoo thrice in a week with conditioner. * We should use shampoo thrice in a week in this season because our hair become...
7 Morning habits for a productive day. 7 Habits for Your Productive day.Hello friends, I hope you guys are doing well .whenever we feel that we are not able to do what we actually want, then we always think, how others can do it easily and why not i can do that so there is no magical power behind their success .they are doing great because they understand" power of habits". yes, buddies power of habits You often hear that " our habits make us ".It is true that if you want to do something apart from your studies, job and more, but somehow you will not be able to do that because of lacking time or you think that you do not have an extra hour for that What is this? .let me tell you .this is all your excuses .when we are not able to do anything or when we wish something but do not get it. we always think that this is tough or I didn't have enough time to do this or that Now the question is why do we end up saying all these things? .why we always make excuses?...
Healthy life style. How many people know what is healthy life style?. I am sure most of us know about it. But the question is how many people implement it? How healthy we are? How healthy our diet?.what is importance of healthy life style?. Lets start with this. What is healthy life style? Healthy life style is the main key of happy life. A healthy life style is one which helps to keep and improve pepole health. This is not a temporary programme. Healthy living is a life long effect. So now we know what is healthy life style. Now move on to next question why it is important for us? IMPORTANCE OF HEALTHY LIFE STYLE. In this paragraph we know about importance of this lets know. 1. It keeps us healthy from inner and outside. keeps us energetic throughout the day. 3. It gives us more hope, more happiness, more power to achieve our goal. keeps away stress, dipression, anxiety.,anxious etc. So now next paragraph we are going to understand how we ge...
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